Rachel Whalen Final Game
My game is not ready to be published yet. I am very sad about that, but all of the pieces are done. They just need to work.
Mosaic floor. It’s a flower
all of the pieces above move as a part of the level.
Here is a link to a google drive folder so you can see my animations. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-nXqx_ClFp5V2VUQjNtTjdITHM?usp=sharing
Rachel Whalen Animations
I animated a maid who is cleaning the thrones. She will jump and run away when she sees the player.
(Unfortunately, I couldn’t upload the videos because they were too big for this site.)
This mouse is hiding and will come out when the player approaches.
I also want to animate a swinging chandelier that they player can use in the level.
Rachel Whalen Lighting and Stuff
I made and added torches and a chandelier. I’m afraid that they may be too small for the needed light.
In the scene
The level occurs at dusk, so I altered the Skymap
I also recreated the scene with modular walls and columns and I added several important objects.
A maze in the final tower
And the cage containing the sword. The block is wood and it has a cut in it so the sword can be moved in and out.
Rachel Whalen Garden Setup and Working
Here are some images of the pink flower I made and some flowers added in the garden holder that I made. I will make some more flowers and I will add textures to the garden bed.
Rachel Whalen Updates
I added normal maps to my modular walls. The stones don’t pop out too much, but the walls don’t seem as flat anymore. The corners haven’t been normal mapped yet, so you can really see the difference.
I have also been working on reworking my game level. I am focusing on the center tower, so I have been redoing the structure and adding a maze. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to see yet as I have just been redoing the structures, but I will keep you guys updated.
Rachel Whalen Sword
Here are some images of my sword. I wish it was better. I need to put more work into the blade texture.
My hilt is pretty.
Rachel Whalen Detailed Object Concept Art
I will be making a sword for the mouse based off of a dagger at the museum. The blade will be thinner and longer with a more developed, larger bevel that will have some accents of the yellow that is on the handle. Otherwise, the colors and rusted, old look will be the same.
Concept Sketch
Photo Reference
Work so Far: the hilt needs more detail, but this is the basic look
Rachel Whalen Project and Game Update
I fixed the inside textures for the Higgins House Project. Thanks for the help guys. There are still some line issues, but the black brick is gone.
Also, I added to my throne room in my game level. I used the dining chairs that Kyle made as thrones. I think it looks really nice.