Joy Tartaglia – Portfolio

Here are some of my projects. Most of my more recent work has been painting and drawing.

I don’t own the model
This project was animating a character according to a sound file given. I can’t find the final video that actually has sound and doesn’t have the various odd visual glitches. This one was a rush render.

Edit: Adding this in because I only just got around to digging up the file.


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Tom Towadros says:

    Cute – That fetch animation is pretty clever, and the squash and stretch is on point.

  2. Wallace Samih says:

    Thought-Provoking: Those paintings, especially the top two, are giving me vibes I can’t describe, and they’re very well done.

  3. Jack Riley says:

    Detailed- I really like the look of the painted work, the bamboo in particular does a good job of creating a sense of depth.

  4. Jasmine Duerk says:

    Gorgeous – I absolutely love the top two paintings! The different shades of gray-scale ink make them look so detailed without using color.

  5. Owen Aguirre says:

    cute- The square who was playing fetch was very cute in both movement and design.

  6. Emma Lowry says:

    Shiny – I love the unique look of your watercolor/ink pieces. Their style and use of impression make them really cool!

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