Davina WAM Object Preproduction

When we went to the WAM I was still deciding what my detailed object would be. We looked at a lot of armor and weaponry from the time, but none of that really fit into my image of my level.

Since my level taked place in the queen’s bedroom, I have considered putting some dresses lined up in the room, but I felt like that wasn’t fit for being my detailed game object because the player would never interact with them. They would be scenery at most.

After looking and taking the above photos, and sketching the drawings below, I decided to go for a more unrelated approach. I wanted to make the chandelier that would be in the queens room.

I decided on this because not only is the chandelier a complex light source that would play into a game mechanic, but it was also planned that my character would get very close to it.

I also took some extra photo’s and sketches of dresses just in case that dress plan would come back while populating the scene later. I also plan to look into medieval cosmetics as to place some of those on the vanity that the player will walk across.

But as for my chandelier, I started by making the base based off of old french chandelier references that I could find on the internet. I wanted it to be very detailed so that it would look lavish and fitting in the queens space.

Then I made the candle holder to be similarly detailed. Both are made from cylinders. Finally I shaped another cylinder into the arm that would hold the candle base. This part was kinda painful, but I think it paid off below.

Next step is touch ups and then duplicating the arm and candle base into a 6 candle chandelier.

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