Wallace’s Detailed Game Object

The overall object
Zoomed in to show papery detail on the horn as well as the gray band with foil patterning.
Zoomed in to show detail on secondary foil part.
View of the mouthpiece on the horn.
View of the front of the horn.
Example of the floral patterning and texture that the piece is based on.
Another image from the same armor.
Inspiration for the color scheme.
The horn is based on the one in the story book, but given a more papercraft look to it, hence the use of papery foil, rather than gemstones.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Olivia Bogs says:

    This looks beautiful and matches the style of your other models really well! The shiny flower details look really clean and smooth. If you wanted to add more to this model I think it would be cool to add a metal band at the end of the horn just like the metal bands at the smaller end of the horn.

  2. Jasmine Duerk says:

    The foil and paper textures look very accurate to what you were going for with the papercraft idea! I think it would also be cool if you included the rope or something similar from the book illustration to add a bit more detail.

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