This project started off with Cem and I trying super hard in order to fit a metaphor into our project. Eventually we stumbled upon the idea of animating a 3D model of a turtle island. The turtle object itself is a metaphor – the turtle is so huge that it almost looks like an island…
Author: Sylvia Lin
Cem Alemdar and Sylvia Lin – Final Project Concept
We have several ideas of what we want to do in terms of the final project. We know we would like to use heat sensor and button to control the animation. Additionally, it is also in our interests to incorporate audio control as well as computer vision as another set of parameter for input. However,…
Sylvia Lin – Augmented Selfie
My initial idea was to replace the random point generator with some pictures of my personal stuff, such as my favorite makeup, favorite boots, favorite headphones, etc. So whenever a bang is sent, a bunch of small pictures would drop and I could push them aside on the screen using gestures. After talking with Kyria…
Sylvia Lin – Sound Controlled Animation
My initial idea was to do something with animator Matthieu Braccini’s work but I realized most of his GIFs are relatively long and might seem very disjointed if I were to control it with audio input. Therefore, I looked for something that was more consistent overall and had only subtle difference in between each frame….
Sylvia Lin – Meme Remixer
I have always been a fan of Nyan cat and Baby shark! I was unsure about what to do for this project and suddenly the thought of combing these two things struck me. The rhythm is perfect for what I envisioned in my mind! I must say it took me a while to get here…
Sylvia Lin – Paper Nature Revised
I have made minor changes to my patcher addressing some of the things pointed out during the critique. I changed the scale of the video clips so now the quality is much better. I was trying to add a black background with a switch object but I kept getting error messages telling me my input…
Sylvia Lin – Paper Nature
As indicated in the concept art post, I wanted to make this project into a learning lesson for people to understand the importance of waste sorting. Instead of putting everything into non-recycling and recycling (the definition of which is not even clear to some people), more categories should be allowed to ensure that certain waste…
Sylvia Lin – Paper Nature Concept Art
For this project, I really want to focus on the importance of recycling. I plan to use paper and foiled paper to create a few trash cans and mark them with different labels such as toxic, wet trash, dry trash, and recyclable. Waste sorting is a huge deal in China right now and I think…
Sylvia Lin – Interactive Animation
I feel like I have not drawn in years and this project gave me a chance to explore my own creative thoughts around the things I encounter on a day-to-day basis, which is a lot of fun! All but one sound effects are obtained from under the standard license. Not sure how the license works…
Sylvia Lin – Animated Abstraction
For this assignment, I decided to incorporate two of Max’s example patchers, called anim and planet (both can be found under examples->jitter->render->animation. I had some fun combining the two examples together in order to create the background effect that I wanted. The planet patcher came with a bunch of options that can be manipulated around…
Sylvia Lin – Geometric Abstraction
I have used Max before, however, jitter is totally new to me. I had no idea that Max, a music synthesis application, can actually be used to create digital art. Although I did not get as much time as I would like to explore the functionality of gl.sketch, I spent a lot of time in…
Sylvia Lin – Short Bio & Artworks
My name is Sylvia Lin. I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I have been studying in the U.S. for around 8 years now. I grew up in a traditional Chinese family, in which my mom had always wanted me to be an artistic person – not necessarily an artist, but someone that possesses the elegant…