For this project, I really want to focus on the importance of recycling. I plan to use paper and foiled paper to create a few trash cans and mark them with different labels such as toxic, wet trash, dry trash, and recyclable. Waste sorting is a huge deal in China right now and I think the recycling program in the U.S. has not been improved for many many years. While being an extremely consumerist country, the U.S. has been relying on exporting trash to other developing countries for years. Now that China has stopped importing trash from other countries, it is crucial for the U.S. to develop a better recycling program in order to save the environment and the people living within it. Not sure if this ties in with the topic of “nature” close enough, but my plan is to use paper to create small waste-like items and attach them to the Makey Makey cords. I will use foiled paper to ensure conductivity on the ends of all items including the trash bins. So once the trash is placed into the “right” category of trash bin, some animation of beautiful nature sceneries will show up – I am not sure if this is totally feasible, probably not. But just for demo purposes, I can demo some incorrect categorization so that Max can output animations with worsened environment.
I really like the mission of the concept! I wonder how you might differentiate the correct trash from the wrong trash?