I have made minor changes to my patcher addressing some of the things pointed out during the critique.
I changed the scale of the video clips so now the quality is much better. I was trying to add a black background with a switch object but I kept getting error messages telling me my input was invalid.
I also made some changes to correspond the specific type of waste with the video clips better – so right now for instance, plastic waste is associated with ocean (corresponding to plastic pollution in the ocean).
To address some other questions I had during the critique: yes, there is some correlation between the color and the type of waste. Initially I wanted to make the compost yellow and the paper green, etc. However, I ran into the issues of the origami waste not able to to fit into the bins. So in the end, I was not able to achieve the perfect color match for each type of waste as desired.
Everything looks really nice and the models are really easy to follow! I especially like the video you took of each action, it makes it very clear that when you dispose of your waste properly, the world could be a better place.