For my finished building, I added normalmaps to all of the walls I had created previously. Unfortunately, try as I might, I couldn’t get the semitransparent UVs to work with the windows without it looking weird through one way, so I had to scrap that and return to opaque windows.
I created two different carpet patterns to add some flair to my floor, and normalmapped them with a carpet texture as well. I also created two infinitely tiling textures for the terrain outside of the building so that I could have original grass as well as rocks. I normalmapped both of these textures as well.
I redid the design of some of my level, but kept the core elements and layout the same. I also utilized a lot of assets from other people’s building kits to add some furniture to populate my level, since I hadn’t made any of my own.
In the fifth screenshot, you can barely see in the distance on a shelf the mechanical mouse head. That’s meant to signify the end of the level, which was previously indicated by a toolbox.
Your floors and wood structures look very realistic. It’s great that you added color to your windows to add contrast. If you’re going to add anything, in the area with all the chairs, I would add a bar. Or a place where people can get food or a stage.
Yeah, there’s not a single bad or mediocre texture here they’re all great.