Joy Tartaglia – Augmented Selfies

I really liked the idea of interacting with objects with physics, so I decided to see if I could use movement to control the direction of an object. Make some kind of movement on the left side of the camera and the object will move left, and so on. I used the impulse message to do this. Whenever movement is detected in a particular area of the camera, a corresponding impulse is given to the object. Then for the heck of it, I added more objects with varying impulses so they all move a little differently. All of the spheres can be directed, but the cubes cannot. I wanted something in there that only reacts to other objects colliding with them.

I probably went overboard with the live textures. I put a plane on the back of the physics box, and then decided to put more planes down to sort of mirror the far plane. It’s probably, definitely, too many textures, but I was having fun with the toy box.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Tom Towadros says:

    This project was a lot of fun to see in action. It’s great to see so much of the screen plastered with your face. As I mentioned in class, I wish there were some audio effects to go along with the balls bouncing and/or colliding, and maybe some lighting effects to go along with the physics action.

  2. Ryan Doyle says:

    This one really impressed me. It’s so cool how you can move the balls around with your hands.

  3. Daniel McDonough says:

    This brings takes the assignment name very literally. This brings the phrase “playing with yourself” to a whole new level and really speaks volumes to me about the absorption of the human self and technology.

  4. Sylvia Lin says:

    We both used the spheres driven by gravity in this project. I am impressed by how you carefully designed varying impulses and they all come together nicely.
    Instead of letting the balls fly to the direction you point at, what about grabbing the balls and pushing them aside so they disappear out of the frame? I think that would also be fun to experiment with.

  5. Cem Alemdar says:

    This feels like the best “toy” that came out of this class. I am amazed by how you managed to do the controls in 3D. It looks like you are interacting with them in 3D. Who thought juggling virtual balls could be fun?

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