Isaac Augmented Selfie

I tried going for a “photobooth” style of selfie, with two of the same feed going on at once. One represents a more erratic, colorful version of myself. While the other is more professional and reserved. A button timed to a metronome opens the video feed of one while closing the other, and vice versa.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Tom Towadros says:

    I saw the tongue and knew I was in for a wild ride. Looks like someone actually followed the directions for the assignment *looks nervously at my submission.* Like always, some audio would have been a great addition here: maybe some office noises and keyboard sounds for the professional, contrasted with some upbeat low-fi pseudo-house jazzcore vibes for your more playful side.

  2. Ryan Doyle says:

    A relatively simple but charming idea. Good performance of the concept.

  3. Jonathan Shiery says:

    This is a really well done concept that I feel like could easily be expanded on. Overall, it seems like it would be fun to mess around with. Something to indicate when the feed is going to change could be helpful in portraying this idea, such as three beats of audio play before the change occurs.

  4. Joy Tartaglia says:

    I like the idea. Maybe you could add some kind of options for input to add additional effects to the colorful side? I also think it would be fun to see both videos at once so they can really mirror each other with their different styles.

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