This animation takes place in my apartment’s kitchen, in which you can interact with the fridge, the window, the stove, the microwave, and the basketball hoop. Here is a video and a screenshot of the Max patcher:
Category: Interactive Animation
Interactive Animation
Interactive Animations are a lot of fun. I remember playing with these sorts of point and click games as a child. Always a blast. This time I got to make my own! I mean primarily obviously the purpose here is to learn how to use max but still a fun little project. Wish WPI allowed…
Interactive Animation – Minh-Chau Doan
I made an interactive animation of my room. You can interact with the lights, window, duck, penguins, and hamster. Max Patch:
Han Liu Interactive Animation
This Project focuses on desktop “elements”: a phone , a pencil, a bottle with water, a mouse and an apple. The spirits reveal themselves as you click on it. GO and check the video! All elements and the background desktop have corresponding sound effects, the MAX set up is to make sure every layer pops on top…
Kyria Nelson – Interactive Animation
Hello! For my interactive animation I wanted to have crisp, easy-to-understand animations with cute little bits of sound to make the experience pop. I took a picture of my shelf of glass ornaments to animate. I love glass items and it felt like an appropriate choice, as glass objects always felt to me like they…
Catherine Roberts – Interactive Animation
For my animation I found an image online that I really liked and decided to animate that. There were two figures in the photo that I wanted to use for one of my mini animations, so I photoshoped them out of the background image. I also photoshoped the figures themselves and drew in some new…
Isaiah Fleischer – Interactive Animation
Interactive Animation The inspiration for this project came from JPR’s in class demo and my goal of combining fantasy with reality. To accomplish this I used a picture of my apartment in Worcester for the canvas and implemented surreal elements and actions. These ranged from Clint Eastwood’s character in Gran Torino to a meteor strike….
Interactive Animation – Everyday Mysteries – Kailun Liu
I took one wall full of deco in my room as the background and added animation to the figures on the wall.
Noah Hillman – Interactive Animation
For this project I created an interactive exhibit using my whiteboard, markers, and eraser. Each of the 3 markers draws something on the board, and the eraser will erase anything that has been drawn. There is also a smiley/frowney face that will swap when clicked. The patch required a bit of logic checking because I…