For our final project, we would like to create a living piece of music that is controlled via a handheld glove. Inside the glove there will be a heart beat sensor that will be used to control the tempo of the music, and an accelerometer to interpret gesture to play sounds over the base rhythm….
Author: Noah Hillman
Noah Hillman – Computer Vision Gestures
For my vision controlled gesture, I created a pong game where the user controls their “paddle” with their movement. For easier and more effective tracking I used the color tracking method although point tracking would have worked as well. Because the raw output of the color tracking was very jerky, I filtered and smoothed the…
Noah Hillman – Meme Remix
For my meme remix, I decided to make a custom parody of the “bongo cat” meme using a Toto – Africa instrumental background song. The original bongo cat meme is here: there are many adaptations of bongo cat using different instruments to play many songs, my favorite being this one: For my parody, I made…
Noah Hillman – Paper Nature Revision
From suggestions in class and online, I updated my project in a few ways. First, to clean up the overall look of the project I moved the Makey Makey inside the house which just took a bit of re-wiring. I also wanted to add a more variables and autonomy. For this, I added random weather…
Paper Nature- Noah Hillman
For this project, I chose to make a house out of paper that can be interacted with to cause different weather effects and some normal interactions (knocking). you can interacts with different windows, the roof, the chimney, the front door, and the lightning rod to cause various different conditions that all have different audio playback….
Noah Hillman – Paper Nature Concept
For my paper nature concept, I am planning on creating a garden of small origami flowers. The different types of flowers will play chimes, and when you move across them it should sound similar to the wind activating chimes in normal gardens. Below are a few of the flowers I plan on making as they…
Noah Hillman – Interactive Animation
For this project I created an interactive exhibit using my whiteboard, markers, and eraser. Each of the 3 markers draws something on the board, and the eraser will erase anything that has been drawn. There is also a smiley/frowney face that will swap when clicked. The patch required a bit of logic checking because I…
Noah Hillman – Animated Abstraction
For this project, I used a simple beat with a random 7th beat. Visually, I used 3 bouncing balls (approximated with scaled sin waves) to visualize the beat using the 3 balls. The balls fade to a random color on impact, and the background changes color on the 7th beat.
Noah Hillman – Geometric Abstraction
For my geometric inspiration patch, I was inspired by Yayoi Kusama who uses a 3-dimensional space filled with bulbous objects decorated with small circular accents. She uses very rich singular colors for the different objects and polka dots, Some of her pieces are below: In order to convey the 3-dimensional aspect of her work I built…
Noah Hillman – Bio & Artworks
Hello, I am Noah Hillman, a senior here at WPI doing a double major with Robotics and Mechanical Engineering. Although I do not have an extensive artistic background, I have taken basic drawing/painting classes growing up and enjoyed them greatly. For this reason, I choose do to my humanities in art, where I have taken…