Noah Hillman – Interactive Animation

For this project I created an interactive exhibit using my whiteboard, markers, and eraser. Each of the 3 markers draws something on the board, and the eraser will erase anything that has been drawn. There is also a smiley/frowney face that will swap when clicked.

The patch required a bit of logic checking because I erased using a fade (line) which required checking whether it was drawn already. The rest of the patch is simple point and click triggered animations/sounds.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Kyle Savell says:

    I like how there are different states to the scene!

  2. Joshua Galang says:

    Love the possibilities by using the whiteboard. Feels so interactive and very creative! Good job.

  3. Thai Dao says:

    The erasing function you implemented is great and I can see you spent a lot of time with your jitter patch code.

  4. Gavin Taylor says:

    The sounds you used are clean and accurate, good job!

  5. Aidan Sensiba says:

    I like the idea of drawings literally coming to life on a white board. There’s lots of potential in this.

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