Saul Woolf’s Interactive Animation

I wanted to test my hand at some simple hand (well, mouse…) drawn animation, so I chose a  photo I took of a lake in Maine. I figured that a blank canvas like this would enable me to creative some simple nature animations.   The following is my Jitter Patch:

Nick Sorensen – Interactive Animation

For my project, I wanted to use already existing characters. I decided to use a couple of characters from Southpark with some matching sound clips. The motion was created in Animate using a motion tween.   My patch was simple when a box was clicked the sound and video file would both play.

Interactive Animation – Thai Dao

Going into this project I was somewhat confident in my animation skill. I drew all the pieces fairly quickly and added processed sound using REAPER. The art draws inspiration from the Grimm’s Fairy tale “The Elves and the Shoemaker”. These tiny characters hide behind objects and can be playful at times. Putting all the elements…

Interactive Animation – Whimsical Boston

For my interactive scene, I thought that a trip to Boston would be a good subject, and I snapped the background this weekend while at Yawkey station on the MBTA Commuter Rail. The interactive elements include: Clicking the white van to trigger a ball bounce along the highway, Clicking the nearest black car to activate…

Adam Moran – Interactive Animation

Ended up just using a picture of my dorm room, which makes sense considering I spend most of my time here. Interactables include the power strip, both laptops, the trash bin, and the tissue box. Clicking on the power strip makes electricity flow out of it. Clicking on the right laptop makes it blow a…

Jarod Romankiw – Interactive Animation

I was inspired to do this project when I saw the shelf of items in the in-class example JPR showed us. I decided to place my favorite childhood animated characters on a bookshelf and when the user clicks on the character, the theme song and theme video play on the television. Some issues I had…