Kyle Savell Bio

I am Kyle Savell, and I am a Senior CS Major and IMGD Minor.

I have a good deal of experience with traditional mediums, my favorites being colored pencil and ink. Most of my digital art experience has come from WPI, where I’ve taken 3D Modelling, 2D and 3D animation, Artistic Game Development and the Light Art practicum. My favorite digital medium right now is vector art.

Being s CS major I have taken a broad range of programming courses. I do back-end programming, but I most enjoy doing front-end design and UI. However I do not have any experience with Arduino.

Besides art I do game design, and have been working with both creative and technical aspects. I also occasionally do writing, both for games and for more traditional formats.

My biggest creative inspiration is music, and many times the art I do is inspired by a particular song. I am also heavily inspired by other artists and the work they do. Lastly, the games I play influence my art too.

As an artist I want to make work that makes a difference in the world. Through my art I want to be able to tell stories that cannot be told as effectively in other mediums.

Ink Drawings:

Game Concept Art:

Other Digital Work:


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