Concept Proposal — Dian Chen

My basic idea is inspired by the light box and the decoration of glowing glass jar. The reason I am interest in light box is that even you turn off the light, the light box itself is still a wonderful art work. For this project, I would like to create a paper sculpture covered by glass, and install the light source at the center. The light will come out in all directions. The light box cannot be used as a light, since it only has light coming from its front side. With a glass cover, the light will be bright enough to be used as a night-light.

Initial design

This project can be powered by sunlight, which I need to figure out where to install the solar panel on this model. In addition, to make this project more decorative, I would like to add a rotating base, which makes part of the sculpture slowly move while the light is open.

Another idea is using paper cup to create a lamp. The idea of using paper cup is “best out of waste”, and it is inspired by the flower ball. I would like to use paper cups to build a flower ball and install the light source at the center, which the light can come out through those slits. This one can also be powered by sunlight, which is easier to install the solar panel on the base. For this lamp, if it is possible, I want to make the brightness of light is controlled by the brightness of surrounding environment. Therefore, even at the daytime, there will be some light and shallows on the flower ball, which makes it not be too pale.

Possible look of the lamp

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