Final Documentation – Music Visualizer

Here is the final documentation for my music visualizer. I had a lot of fun working on this project the past seven weeks and am very satisfied with the way it turned out. The sculpture was designed to look like an audio signal so that the lights respond to the music and travel through the signal. The channels used for the sculpture were made out of thin pieces of wood and canvas. The wood forms the channel structure to hold the LED strips and the canvas covers each channel as a light diffuser. The hardware design was fairly simple with the LED strip connected to a digital pin of an Arduino through a resistor, a capacitor across a 5V power supply, and a potentiometer connected to an analog input pin on the Arduino. The software for this project was done using the FastLED library for Arduino and the Minim library for a software program called Processing. I modified code originally written by Stephen Singh, which can be found on GitHub at the following link.

Project Code

Below is a video and pictures of the completed project.

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