Final Documentation: Jared Grimm

Original Idea and inspiration: This term began my experience working with light art, and as I delved into researching other artists I developed a sense of what I would like my project to be like. From my research of Barry Underwood, and his installation pieces within nature to create his photographs, I wanted to create…

Polish & Present: Jared Grimm

This week I was able to finalize the assembly of my project, and really focus on the overall appeal of the piece. To start, I applied 3 coats of black semi gloss paint to the wood frame that holds my mirror and leds. I went with black because I believed it would be the best…

Everything Working Jared Grimm

This week I was able to assemble the final piece pretty well, and have decided to hold off on the IoT aspect until maybe this final week. I first laser cut the large scale mirror, which came out great. However the mirror is large and thin, which causes it to bend and warp easily, so…

Failure, Recalibration, & Iteration: Jared Grimm

This week I went head on against the main areas of my project, that being, laser cutting the actual mirror and wiring the neopixels. I drew up my final design in Photoshop, and created a vector out of it in Illustrator, so I would be able to laser cut it. The electrical side of this…

Maquette: Jared Grimm

I have began to set up both the electronic and physical side to my project.   For the technical side, I have set up my wifi Arduino board and libraries, and created an program for my Wifi Arduino to connect to a weather service API, and pull temperature data from Worcester for the next 3…

Concept Proposal: Jared Grimm

Overview A clean subtle mosaic piece, with subtle dynamic interaction Laser cut plastic mirror, in a geometric volcano shape, with light coming through through cracks. Technology/Input The output color of some of the lights in the core of the volcano will adapt based on the temperature. Higher temperatures will cause more red and orange as…

Light Artist: Barry Underwood

Barry Underwood is an ecological activist and environmental photographer who creates on site installments to depict human and nature relationships and the spirit of nature. He received two degrees, one in Theater and the other in Photography from Indiana University Northwest. He currently is an Associate Professor at the Cleveland Institute of Art. “My innate…

Introduction: Jared Grimm

I am a Junior computer science major, from Central New Jersey. The beginning of my art experience stemmed from the scenic views from where I grew up, which got me interested in photography. My favorite type of photography is long exposure shots of the milky way. The classes I have taken so far at WPI…