I am so grateful for the opportunity to build an Infinity Mirror for class. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time and this class provided a perfect environment to pursue its creation. From the beginning of the project, I knew my resources were going to be the limiting factor on this project,…
Author: Saul Woolf
Polish & Present: Saul Woolf
Its done! (Although not without a fair share of stress and concern) After having the piece fully working and cleanly contained, I left it running over night. I woke up to find it not working and I panicked, fearing the worst. I tried everything to get it working again; I replace the jumper wires, the…
Everything Working: Saul Woolf
Well, as the title would suggest, every is working! My wiring is a bit of a mess and I would like to replace the back mirror, but I have a fully functional working prototype of a magic mirror. Currently I am using my spare 2 way mirror for the back mirror, and I’m fairly certain…
Failure, Re-calibration, and Iteration: Saul Woolf
The project is still coming along, but I managed to fail in a marvelous way. I somehow managed to fail at ordering something to my apartment. I came home to find a UPS notice at my door stating that they could not deliver it. I know it was for this project since I haven’t ordered…
Maquette: Saul Woolf
The mirror is coming along! This first prototype, though made out of cardboard showcases the illusion quite well. The mirrors I ordered from www.twowaymirrors.com do exactly as advertised, and let around 30% of the light pass through, which bounces off the opposite mirror at back out to the viewers’ eyes. The light I’m using is…
Project Concept: Infinity Mirror, Tunnel of Love
I’ve always been fascinated by infinity mirrors and this project feels like the right opportunity to make my own with a twist. I love how infinity mirrors take a small sliver of space and expand it to as far as light will reach. The majority of infinity mirrors I have come across are simply LED’s…
Light Artist: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is an electronic artist who works at the intersection of performance art and architecture. He believes that “even if you are not using a computer, you are affected by this environment. Working with technology is inevitable.” His studies in Physical Chemistry shaped has had a lasting impact on the form and structure of…
Introduction: Saul Woolf
My name is Saul Woolf. I’m a 4th year working on a CS Major and an IMGD minor. I am fascinated by the use of light and shadow in art, as it adds a transmutable dynamic. This fascination has significantly steered my work so far and will probably continue to be the focus of my…