Everything Working – Josue and Chris

We made a lot of progress the past two week. The largest problem we encountered was the smaller than expected range the IR sensor worked in. After testing with sensor using IR emitters at various distances, we realized that the circular area it allowed the users to interact in was only around 1 ft in diameter. As a result, we decided to pivot to using web cameras and computer vision. While it took some time to learn, computer vision ended up working in our favor and allowed us to extend the detection range significantly.

New web camera that we are using instead of the IR sensor

We also created a program that dynamically adds musical sections together to create a song depending on how many users it detects. First, we downloaded various sound files from Madeon’s Adventure Machine. Then, we categorized all the sound files into drums, bass, melody. Then we created four variables (drums, bass, melody1, and melody2) and randomly assign sound files and play them when users are detected, and reassign and turn off the files when a user leaves. That way, songs are randomly generated based on user interaction. We then paired this with the computer vision technology to have the two programs communicate when the computer vision program detects new objects.

We also did extensive work on the LED strips that we will incorporate into our installation. We purchased a programmable LED strip and split it in half we could set it up in two parallel lines for the final setup. We then, leveraging computer vision again, programmed the lights to activate depending on the distance away the object/user is detected by the webcam. That way, as the user navigates the installation, the lights would move alongside them and, as more and more people walk into the piece, more and more of the LED’s would light up and more music would play.

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