Introduction and Art Portfolio

Hello Everyone,

My name is Everett Johnson and I am a sophomore robotics major. I went to an art school as a child where I was able to work with sketching and shading. I have been doing art my entire life and have done many works of art pertaining to sharpie and pencil. On the technology side, I have always been fascinated with robotics and other electrical projects. I have experience with Arduino and Java, but I have also had experience with 3-D printing and laser cutting. I have some general knowledge about most electronics and have taken some ECE courses. Besides drawing, I do not have any other experience with art. My creative inspiration is drawn from many different aspects including my family and friends but mainly from cinema and comic books. Art fits into my goals in life anytime that I create something that I have control over making I not only want it to be efficient but also visually appealing as well. Art is where I have acquired most of my design creativity and I will continue to explore that as I continue with this course. I am extremely proud of my sharpie drawings that are at the bottom of this post. I am also proud of the designs that I have made in solid works for my robotics course. All of the images below besides the color one were produced with sharpie and the color photo was made with crayon. I primarily enjoy sharpie as a medium because of its simplification between light and dark and how I can make visual illusions to make it appear as though there are shadows and different shades of gray.