As of now, everything technical does work. The laser (both hand held and barcode scanner) visualize theĀ smoke forms nicely (though I prefer the hand held version). My main issues as of now are really those of design. I have come to a cross roads in the idea of using a “blackout box” as it creates a weird box in a box look I don”t like very much.
I have also created a more refined version of the containment box which I’m now calling “The Pedestal” . As with the original goal, it is to house the smoke and act as the viewing area for the project.
And this is the current “black box” with viewing holes built in.
My other issue is I’m finding that I almost like the look of the smoke better after just putting it inside a bog empty box and letting it seep out the top (videos below). This annoys me two fold: 1 cause I spent all that time testing with the other set up to be outdone by such simplicity. 2 because it feels far too simple and trivial to be genuine art.