Introduction: Franck Coly


My name is Franck and I am a senior Biomedical Engineering student. My art experience began in the 4th grade. I had just come to America from Senegal, West Africa and I was struggling through my days at school because I couldn’t speak English. Finally, I was introduced to art. I started by drawing people and later transitioned to 3D lettering.

In my years doing art, I’ve never tinkered with electronics in terms of art. In my free time, I am an avid computer lover. Hence why my only experience with electronics or tech has to do with my love of building computers and learning how to integrate smart tech into my apartment.

Other than drawing with graphite and occasionally charcoal, I haven’t had any interests in the other arts and haven’t pursued them. Aside from drawing on paper, I do experiment with digital art from time to time including graphics design using various Adobe programs.

In term of my drawings, I am inspired by my attention to detail that I carry with me day to day. With life moving so quickly, we are easily missing the little things that make life enjoyable. This explains my love for black and white art and why I prefer creating them in such manner. There are minimal or no colors, no distractions. It is simply you, and the details that have yet to be discovered. Being able to find patterns and key features of my surroundings is something I look forward to doing every day.

Being able to give back to my country of Senegal is one of my goals and I hope one day, I am able to bring all different types of art that they have yet to experience. Something like digital art is still a long way from being accessible to students or the general public there. Being able to show what is possible to people there could hopefully start a push for creativity in schools.

Some of my recent works include the Honda wheel as well as the zentangles. Although they aren’t necessarily the proudest work I’ve done, they are however the most intriguing arts I’ve made. When you look at these pieces, they aren’t perfect. Zentangles have missing spots, areas that were not filled in by mistake and some places where lines don’t work how they’re meant to be. This is a reminder that we aren’t born to be perfect humans. We all have faults one way or another but that is what makes us all unique.

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