Polish & Present: Saul Woolf

Its done! (Although not without a fair share of stress and concern) After having the piece fully working and cleanly contained, I left it running over night. I woke up to find it not working and I panicked, fearing the worst. I tried everything to get it working again; I replace the jumper wires, the…

Final Documentation: Isabel Azevedo

After several weeks of working on this project, it is finally done! I am really proud of what I was able to accomplish, and I am definitely interested in exploring the combination of paper and light further. Below is a video featuring various images of my piece that I felt really captured my work well….

Final Documentation: John Stegeman

Overview The long-exposure-panoramic-display (or LEPDIS) was a fun project for the light art practicum.  LEPDIS utilizes a similar technique to Persistence of Vision displays, however instead of trying to display an image as fast as possible to make it visible to the human eye, the goal was to make the display look like nothing special…

Final Documentation

Unfortunately my final product is not reflective of the original concept or the work I put into making it. I went through many ideas and iterations before landing on something that worked. My original idea was a collection of candle lamps that would shine patterns on themselves and their surroundings but because of my inability…

Final Documentation: Vincent Miller

Final Project Documentation In this post, I will report on the final state of my project for the class, as well as provide all the technical details and data necessary to recreate the model. Project Result I was able to accomplish my initial goal, and I think my result is even better than my original…

Final Documentation: William Schwartz

Overview: Psycho (the name of the my project) was a super fun project to work on. Psycho is an Audio Visualizer. There is a teensy 3.2 in the back of the neck along with a microphone, the teensy preforms the FFT with the help of teensy’s audio library. the different frequency bins are then grouped…

Everything Working: Saul Woolf

Well, as the title would suggest, every is working! My wiring is a bit of a mess and I would like to replace the back mirror, but I have a fully functional working prototype of a magic mirror. Currently I am using my spare 2 way mirror for the back mirror, and I’m fairly certain…

Failure, Re-calibration, and Iteration: Saul Woolf

The project is still coming along, but I managed to fail in a marvelous way. I somehow managed to fail at ordering something to my apartment. I came home to find a UPS notice at my door stating that they could not deliver it. I know it was for this project since I haven’t ordered…

Maquette: Saul Woolf

The mirror is coming along! This first prototype, though made out of cardboard showcases the illusion quite well. The mirrors I ordered from www.twowaymirrors.com do exactly as advertised, and let around 30% of the light pass through, which bounces off the opposite mirror at back out to the viewers’ eyes. The light I’m using is…

Polish&Present: Jon Venne

These last few days it’s all really been coming together. I’ve installed reflective panels on the inside of the box to give more illumination to the smoke forms. I’ve also created a viewing panel to see into the box without letting smoke out. I’ve made the incense holes wider so they are less intrusive into the…