Synth Glove Documentation

The final version of the Synthesizer Glove, though now I am probably more correct to call it the Effect Glove, has five sensors: a simple button, a light sensor, a temperature sensor, a rotation sensor, and a makeshift toggle.
The synthesizer is controlled by the light, rotation and temperature sensors, and plays when the button is pressed.
The synthesizer itself is a simple sinewave with frequency and amplitude modulation.
When the toggle is off, the rotation and light sensor select a sound effect to be played on a button press.

The sound effects were originally random effects from video games, but for the metaphor, I chose several sword sounds and two dragon sounds, to represent the project helping me vanquish finals week.

Documentation video

Synth Glove Preproposal

My project will be to create something like the ‘Wah Wah Glove’ in the brainstorming post.
My project will incorporate several sensors to try and determine the orientation of the glove and whether the hand is open or closed.
It will then use that input to generate a sound.

I have also programmed it so that it will play sound effects when the button is pressed.
For pictures see:

Final Project Concept

For my final project, I’m taking inspiration from the Synthesizer Glove on the Brainstorming post.

I hope to have four sensors on the glove: A gyroscopic sensor, a light sensor, a touch sensor (button), and a rotation sensor.

The main part of the project will be to create a simple synthesizer patch that will take input from the light and gyroscopic sensors to make a sound.
Pressing the button will play the sound.
My current idea is to have the vertical axis be the frequency (pitch) and the light sensor be amplitude (loudness).

The fun part will come after this. I want to use the rotation sensor to switch modes between using the synthesizer and special effects.
When the rotation sensor is turned past a point, fulfilling certain conditions with the light and gyroscopic sensors and pressing the button will play sound effects. E.g., making a gun with your fingers will produce a gunshot sound.

Here are some pictures of my rig so far:

Meme Project

For my project, I decided to do something with the Slowpoke meme.
The Slowpoke meme itself is usually a joke from several years ago, or in response to someone getting a joke lake or responding to an old topic.
I decided to show famous events from over the years that slowly fade out to reveal Slowpoke, which waits a second before saying something silly.

Here is a demonstration:

I can post the project if someone wants it.

Anemone applet

The applet is an artistic representation of a site map. The white is traffic between pages, and the orange is paths visitors take throughout the entire site.
It’s a very interesting piece, site traffic changes the contents, generating something different every time. White parts are generated as visitors go from page to page, and become thicker as more traffic flows to those pages. Orange lines are generated as visitors travel throughout the site, connecting nodes throughout the piece.
In all, I think it is an interesting experiment that should lead into some good future projects. Perhaps something using the pedestian traffic of the location it’s installed in.

Nature/Machine Project 3

My last project extended the rain idea. I made an interactive raincloud that rains and creates thunderbolts.
The ‘rain’ positions are stored in an array, and it draws lines from those stored positions to make the rain.
I think it’s a cute animation, and I want to put some finishing touches on it later.

the noise function doesn’t seem to work on the blog for the way I have it set up, so here is the code.

static int arrMax = 320;
int[] positions1 = new int[arrMax];
int[] positions2 = new int[arrMax];
int index=1;
int trueDex=0;

void setup(){

void draw(){
int i=1;
int x, y;
x = positions1[index-1] = mouseX + 35 – int(noise(index)*70);
y = positions1[index] = mouseY + 16;
positions2[index-1] = x + 20;
positions2[index] = y + 30;
if(trueDex static int arrMax = 320; int[] positions1 = new int[arrMax]; int[] positions2 = new int[arrMax]; int index=1; int trueDex=0; void setup(){ size(500,500); smooth(); } void draw(){ int i=1; int x, y; background(150,180,250); fill(120,120,120); ellipseMode(CENTER); noStroke(); triangle(mouseX-25,mouseY+15,mouseX+30,mouseY+15,mouseX,mouseY-10); ellipse(mouseX+21,mouseY-5,40,40); ellipse(mouseX-18,mouseY,30,30); ellipse(mouseX-12,mouseY-23,40,40); ellipse(mouseX+6,mouseY-20,35,35); ellipse(mouseX+10,mouseY+14,30,5); ellipse(mouseX-9,mouseY+14,30,5); if(frameCount%1==0){ x = positions1[index-1] = mouseX + 35 - int(noise(index)*70); y = positions1[index] = mouseY + 16; positions2[index-1] = x + 20; positions2[index] = y + 30; index=(index+2)%arrMax; if(trueDex

Nature/Machine Project 2

For my second project, I had used the rain idea and tried to make ripples on a water surface.
After some playing around, I noticed that the way the ripples were created seemed to approximate bacterial growth patterns.
The code is very simple right now, so I hope to go back and refine the way it places the ‘bacteria.’

noise(); does not seem to work properly on the blog, at least how I have it. Here is the code for now, I will be working on fixing it.

float x, y;
int i = 0;

void setup(){

void draw(){
x = noise(i)*width;
y = noise(i+20)*height;

Nature/Machine Project 1

In my first project for this assignment, I had originally wanted to go with an animation based on rain, but I moved on from that partway through.
I ended up doing snow instead, adapting most of my code.

The program now spawns snowflake objects that fall from the top of the screen to stick at the bottom.

Machine vs. Nature Project

For this project, so far I still mostly have ideas.

One project that is in the works is an animation that is supposed to evoke ripples on water created by raindrops.
The animation would be of expanding circles that animate for a while and disappear.
The project would use object oriented design concepts, such as each ripple being an object.

Another animation idea is to make snowflakes fall from above the screen and ‘stick’ to the bottom of the screen.
Each flake would be an object, with one out of a number of graphics, and would persist at the bottom of the screen.

I am still coming up with ideas for the interactive project. I currently want to expand more on the ripple idea.
Perhaps a leaf in a puddle, and when you disturb (click) the water, the leaf will move away from that spot.

Processing homeworks

Homework 1 was a silly drawing, I decided to code the one drawing that everyone does as a kid.

For homework 2, I wanted to do something dynamic. My first drawing didn’t lend itself very well to being dynamic, so I made somethind different.