Final Project Concept

For my final project, I’m taking inspiration from the Synthesizer Glove on the Brainstorming post.

I hope to have four sensors on the glove: A gyroscopic sensor, a light sensor, a touch sensor (button), and a rotation sensor.

The main part of the project will be to create a simple synthesizer patch that will take input from the light and gyroscopic sensors to make a sound.
Pressing the button will play the sound.
My current idea is to have the vertical axis be the frequency (pitch) and the light sensor be amplitude (loudness).

The fun part will come after this. I want to use the rotation sensor to switch modes between using the synthesizer and special effects.
When the rotation sensor is turned past a point, fulfilling certain conditions with the light and gyroscopic sensors and pressing the button will play sound effects. E.g., making a gun with your fingers will produce a gunshot sound.

Here are some pictures of my rig so far:

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