MakeyMakey Guitar

So for my final project, I’m thinking of making a virtual guitar of sorts using the MakeyMakey and Pure Data. The idea would be to make something similar to the paper drum controller that we made earlier in class, however instead of using a small piece of paper with buttons, I would make something resembling a small guitar. I’m not 100% sure what I would make it out of (have to look around the apartment for some nice piece of cardboard of something). The idea would be to have a number of preset chords, with the “buttons” being in the place on the neck of the fake guitar where they would be on an actual guitar. I’ll find mp3s of different chords being strummed, or I’ll generate them myself in ableton. Pressing the “chord buttons” will ideally select the given mp3 in pure data, and then strumming, or hitting the “button” placed on the main part of the guitar would play the selected mp3.

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