
The work I chose is called Walk the Solar System by Louise O’Connor (2010) The project is listed as a performance, but it is also presented as a series of photographs. The artist calculated how far along in a neighborhood each planet would be, if the scale of the solar system was reduced. Whichever buisiness or shop was at that point, was asked to produce a round object representative of the planet that would be at that point.
I think one of the most successful aspects of this piece is that it deals with an often misunderstood concept and presents it in a very understandable way. The scale of the solar system isnt something most people can easily imagine so presenting it in such a simple and clever way is a great idea. Another thing thats done well is the way the planets are represented. By making the person who just happens to be at that spot, produce the object, rather than say having objects created by the artist, the work has a much more humanistic element to it. It also proves again the arguement “art does not exist in a vacuum” as the “viewer” must go to each location to experience the object there rather than sit in a museum absorbing information.
I think the work is perfect as it is. However to expand I would suggest to the artist, doing a series of these “performances”, going around to different neighborhoods around the world, and doing the same thing, and presenting the work as a collection.
Overall I think this is a unique and interesting piece, that many people would enjoy.

See the link below, for pictures, and information.

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